War Child: Central African Republic

The Central African Republic (CAR) has been in turmoil since a violent takeover of power in 2013. Decades of civil war have taken a heavy toll: more than half the population now relies on humanitarian aid and 1.3 million people are displaced, resulting in significant numbers of highly vulnerable children and young people.
War Child’s project in Ndélé and the surrounding districts in CAR provides life-saving services to the most vulnerable conflict-affected children and their families to enhance their wellbeing, access to protection and education.

Creating a protective environment for vulnerable children

Living through violence and conflict has had a profound impact on the mental wellbeing of children in CAR. With the support of the Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation, War Child has been able to refurbish, equip and open 6 child-friendly spaces, currently supporting 2,271 children with recreational activities. These spaces create a protective environment for conflict-affected children, where play and learning is encouraged, strengthening their resilience, so they can better cope with and recover from the effects of war.

We have also opened 6 youth clubs, working with 120 young people, helping to prevent violence and promote social interaction and inter-community dialogue. Children attending the youth clubs report significant improvement in their resilience, life skills and social skills as a result of the activities, helping them to build trust and establish better relationships with others.

«My life has changed, I am no longer aggressive towards my classmates, my sisters and my brothers. I cultivate my inner peace and peace with others every day. I am happy to belong to this club and to be loved by my teammates.»
Youth Group Participant

Child Protection

For the most vulnerable children, including children formally associated with armed groups and survivors of gender-based violence, War Child is providing direct child protection and reintegration support, tailored to their individual needs. In addition, the team works to identify, document and care for unaccompanied and separated children until they can be reunited with their families.

Working with Communities

To facilitate the reintegration and long-term acceptance of children formerly associated with armed groups, and survivors of gender-based violence, War Child works with local community groups dedicated to keeping children safe. These groups support community members to identify at risk children and refer them to organisations that can help.  We also hold awareness-raising sessions for community leaders and authorities, helping to improve mechanisms for monitoring and reporting serious violations of children's rights.

Project Support

The Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation supported War Child’s work in the Central African Republic from 2017 until 2022 with around GBP 100’000.--. This cooperation was supplemented by the amount of GBP 30’000.- to cover part of the additional costs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Currently the Foundation is supporting the project “Empowering children and young people as promoters of peace and reconciliation in the Central African Republic” with GBP 258’367.-- for the period April 2023 – March 2026.